Getting My Butt In and Out of the Chair

I did some writing today. Not as much as I would have liked, but I did it. This is day one of my butt-in-chair 30-day practice. Incidentally, it is also day one of my butt-out-of-chair 30-day practice.

One thing that helps me to keep my butt in my chair to write every day, is to get a little physical movement as well—something I have been neglecting. Today, after being inspired by my friend Amy, I started a 30-day yoga practice.

When it's been a week or two or three since you have done yoga, you forget how it clears your mind and makes your brain and your body feel good. I am hoping the procrastinator in me doesn't win out over the self-care and active writer part of me. 

To help me stay focused, I use Ommwriter for a distraction-free writing experience and Yoga With Adriene for a mind-body boost. I didn't even notice until this very moment, how the two complement each other so well. 
